Shaker 700ml
👉This 700 ml shaker offers a unique aesthetic and is conveniently dishwasher safe. It also boasts a large capacity, making it both practical and beautifully designed. Ideal for athletes, it's a great way to enjoy your favourite smoothies and protein shakes on-the-go and in style.
Metropolitan France 🇫🇷
Free delivery for all orders over €70. 🚚
Home delivery: €5.99 Collection Point Relais: €3.75
Shipping to the EU 🇪🇺: €8.99
Metropolitan France 🇫🇷 Free delivery for all orders over €70. đźššÂ
Home delivery: €5.99
Collection Point Relais: €3.75Â
Shipping to the EU 🇪🇺: €8.99